I am enjoying this little trip down memory lane choosing my favourite images over the past twelve months. It is nice to see how curiosities evolve and great to get such positive feedback from Flickr friends.
May was a month I would rather forget for many reasons. I had a very badly infected thumb, I bit a chunk off my tongue and was quite ill with sinusitis for most of the month. All the same, I posted a lot of photographs to Flickr. Three of these are of my friend Joonwha playing on the beach in Garryvoe, which is a short spin from Cork. We were walking along the beach when suddenly he began to do cartwheels and other extravagant moves. Perfect for a defocussed, blurred out shot. I really cannot extract one of these from the little series of three, as they are better when seen together.
So, here is Joonwha throwing shapes on a beach in the merry month of May.